[언어및외국어] 59

고등학교문법 완전 정복 - 문장의 5형식

[기초문법] 고등학교문법 완전 정복 - 문장의 5형식 글쓴이: 아즈망가냐옹 조회수 : 76207.02.15 10:30 http://cafe.daum.net/kwangsuinfo/Hjm2/57 1형식 문장(S+V) 주어와 동사만으로 완전한 의미를 전달할 수 있는, 영어에서 가장 단순한 형태의 문장이다. 1) He lives in Seoul. (그는 / 산다 / 서울에) 2) He has lived in Seoul. (그는 /..

함께푸는 편입 문법 1020제 (766~770)

함께푸는 편입 문법 1020제 (766~770) 766. (A)Written to be performed on a (B)bare stage of scenery, Thornton Wilder's play Our Town depicts (C)life in a small New England (D)community. ☞ 답 (B) → stage bare * Written to be performed on a stage bare of scenery = (분사구) 다음 문장 → * Thornton Wilder's play Our Town, (which was) written to be performed on a stage bare of sc..

생활영어에 자주 나오는 100가지 패턴

생활영어에 자주 나오는 100가지 패턴 1. 과거에 하려고 했던 걸 말하고자 때 was going to Jessy was going to introduce Woody to Buzz. I'd bought this white dress and was going to wear it for the Dance Party. 2. 어디에 다녀왔을 때는 have been "What are you going to do on your trip to the Big Apple ? I myself have been to New York several times. Lots of things." Mo..