
동사에 대한 공부(4)

기쁨조미료25 2008. 3. 10. 12:16
[문법(이론정리)] 동사에 대한 공부(4)

★ do 동사의 용법

(1) give : Will you do me a favor?; do one harm; do one good


(2) be satisfactory :(1형식동사, will과 함께 쓰여) 좋다, 충분하다


(3) do + 명사 ---->손질하다, (명사의 의미)하다

. do the dishes; do translation; do the flowers;

. do a room; do one's face; do one's hair


(4) do + 지명 = visit ex) We did the Museum.

★ count on : ...에 의지하다

▶ depend on, rely on, fall back on, look to, turn to

★ decide의 문형과 용법

(1) He has decided to become a doctor. = He has decided that he will become a doctor.

. His death decided me to leave school.

. He decided on the green gown.

(2) (adj) decisive, decided, (n) decision : decisive proof (확증), a decisive character (과단성 있는 성격), answer decidedly (분명히 대답하다)


★ believe in : (1) ...의 존재를 믿다 (2) ...이 좋다고 생각하다

ex) I believe in this method of teaching.

★ dispense with : ...없이 지내다


= go without = manage without

★ comprise (타)


consist of, be composed of, be made up of, constitute : ...으로 구성되다

★ do with의 용법

(1) what did you do with my book? (처리하다)


(2) Her job is/has something to do with. (관련이 있다)


(3) I could do with a cup of tea. (필요로 하다)


(4) I can't do with his laziness. (참다)


(5) We felt so happy that we didn't know what to do with ourselves. (어떻게 ...을 처리하다)