
Ephesians Quiz on Chapters 4 - 6

기쁨조미료25 2013. 10. 30. 15:35

Ephesians Quiz on Chapters 4 - 6

This is a self-test on chapters 4 - 6 of the book of Ephesians. Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read these chapters in the Bible and answer the questions at the end of each chapter found at the website www.DoingGood.org. Answer the questions below and then click "OK" to send your answers.

question 1

What should we endeavor to keep? (4:3)

A The Sabbath
B The ten commandments
C The unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace
D All of the above
E B & C

question 2

Of what does Paul say there is one? (4:4-6)

A Baptism
B Body
C Faith
D Lord
E All of the above

question 3

What did Christ give to the church? (4:11)

A Apostles
B Prophets
C Evangelists
D Pastors and teachers
E All of the above

question 4

For what purpose are these gifts given? (4:12)

A Perfecting of the saints
B For the work of the ministry
C For the edifying of the body of Christ
D All of the above
E B & C

question 5

How should we speak the truth? (4:15)

A In kindness
B With the anointing
C Forcefully
D Boldly
E In love

question 6

Neither give place to _________. (4:27)

A Dishonesty
B The old man
C The devil
D Lust
E False prophets

question 7

What should a former thief do? (4:28)

A Be punished
B Labour, working with his hands
C Repent
D Steal no more
E B & D

question 8

Who should we NOT grieve? (4:30)

A The holy Spirit of God
B Our parents
C Our pastor
D Our teachers
E B & C

question 9

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once _________ among you, as becometh saints (5:3-4)

A Practiced
B Thought of
C Done
D Named
E Partaken of

question 10

No whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any ____________ in the kingdom of Christ (5:5)

A Portion
B Interest
C Inheritance
D Position
E Place

question 11

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with _______(5:18)

A Mercy
B Patience
C The Truth
D The Spirit
E Knowledge

question 12

To whom should wives submit? (5:22-24)

A Their own husbands
B Their pastor
C Their fathers
D All of the above
E A & B

question 13

Who is the head of the church? (5:23)

A Christ
B Elders
C Pastor
D Pope
E Apostles

question 14

How should husbands love their wives? (5:25,28-29,33)

A As Christ also loved the church
B As their own bodies
C As himself
D All of the above
E A & B

question 15

How does Christ cleanse the church? (5:26)

A By the blood
B By the Name
C By baptism
D By the washing of water by the word
E All of the above

question 16

Children obey your ___________ in the Lord: for this is right. (6:1)

A Grandparents
B Parents
C Older siblings
D Teachers
E Pastor

question 17

What are fathers to do for their children? (6:4)

A Correct them
B Educate them
C Provide for them materially
D Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
E Love them

question 18

What should masters know? (6:9)

A Human relations
B The cries of the laborers are heard by the Lord of the Sabbath
C Current pay scales
D They have a Master also in heaven
E Kindness

question 19

What item is NOT listed among the whole armor of God? (6:14-17)

A Breastplate of righteousness
B Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
C Shield of faith
D Helmet of salvation
E Loins girt about with hope

question 20

Why did Paul send Tychicus to them? (6:21-22)

A That they might be comforted
B To appoint elders
C To instruct them
D That they might know Paul's affairs
E A & D

Thank you for taking the test.


원본 : http://doinggood.org/BibleQuizzesQuizFaber/Ephesians%204-6.htm

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