
주님은 신실하고

기쁨조미료25 2008. 6. 29. 18:19
주님은 신실하고/다윗의 장막..영어


다윗의 장막




Sweeter Than The Air


Faithful and true, You are there

Close by my side, always near

What other love can compare?


Sweeter than the air I breathe

Is Your love for me

Stronger than the raging sea

Is Your love for me

Seasons change

And though the flowers fade

I know You never change

So faithful is Your love for me


'[찬양과경배] > 다윗의장막' 카테고리의 다른 글

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자유 - 다윗의 장막 Freedom(찬양악보 포함)  (0) 2008.04.16
[스크랩] 다윗의장막(영원한왕예수)  (0) 2008.01.18